2014年9月21日 星期日

[美國] My Host Family

        德州位於美國Bible Belt上,基督教相當普遍,教會辦的活動也非常多。我自己就參加了三個教會舉辦的活動,其中Hope Chapel有幫我們配對當地家庭,而配對到我們的是Cheryl一家。Cheryl和先生育有三個女兒,是典型的美國家庭,住在獨棟房子中,養了一隻狗兩隻兔子和一隻天竺鼠。我們在勞動節放假受邀到他們家一起做Pizza。Host Family一家人都相當友善,Cheryl以前也是UT的學生,但先生不是德州人,雖然搬來很久,但始終受不了夏天的炎熱。

        三個女兒目前在家自學,由媽媽安排教學進度。美國家長和亞洲的家長一樣,也要求小孩學很多才藝,例如外語、鋼琴、足球等。我們都知道美國運動盛行,但一直到Host Family周末帶我們去看小孩踢足球才知道運動在這裏有多普遍。

        在這裡,家長會帶小孩和親朋好友小孩組隊,而教練就由家長擔綱。Cheryl是9-15歲青少女的教練,而她先生是5-9歲小女孩的教練。周末家長們就會帶著小孩到足球場,跟別隊比賽,而我們就在旁邊跟著其他家長加油。別看女孩年紀小小,踢起足球來是有模有樣。過去我一直以為足球在歐洲比較盛行,美國尤其在德州盛行的是橄欖球。但Host Family跟我們說其實足球也很盛行,尤其足球不但適合男生也適合女生,她自己過去就有踢足球。

        星期天早上沒事,我們也和Host Family去做禮拜,他們全家都是相當虔誠的基督教徒,在教會裡也會遇到其他做禮拜的朋友。其中有一位媽媽收養了兩個中國女孩,媽媽希望兩個女兒能夠記得自己的語言,於是也栽培他們學習中文。雖然美國的教堂不比歐洲的富麗堂皇、歷史悠久,但因為善男信女眾多,從唱詩班到之後的各種活動都相當豐富,讓我對基督教的印象從教堂轉移到教會,這個充滿人與人互動的地方。而在做完禮拜後,最讓我驚訝的是在教會的後院有非常多小孩,是非常多。原來怕小孩坐不住,剛剛我們在做禮拜時他們都在別的地方玩。無怪乎我記得看過報導說美國人口結構很健康,因為他們一般家庭都有兩三個小孩,非常熱鬧。


2014年9月6日 星期六

[美國] My First Football Game: UT VS. BYU

        I have already heard about how crazy it is when it comes to football in Austin, but this is the first time for me to really experience it! Every time when there is a football game, you can FEEL it even you are not into sports at all, because the whole city becomes really excited. You see people wearing burnt orange shirts all around the city, and there are many people, much more than you normally see on the streets in Austin. Moreover, the bus routes change just to ease the traffic flooding around the stadium. UT has an enormous stadium-Darrell K Royal Stadium, which can accommodate over 100,000 people. To go to a football game at UT, you have to purchase a ticket. If you are a student, you can buy a big ticket, which is heavily advertised through email. Since I am not a sports fan, I didn't buy a big ticket. I chose to buy from someone else.

        If you only want to see one game just as I did, it is better to just buy one from another student. There is a facebook group called "UT FOOTBALL TICKETS!!!!", where you can find someone selling one of the games from their big tickets. Student tickets generally range from $30-40 per game depending on the seats. After you buy it from someone, the person shall transfer his or her ticket from his or her account into your name. You should receive an email after the transfer. The email gives you a link to accept the ticket. However, you might be required to log in a customer number and code in the website, and you can acquire the log in information by calling the ticket office. After accepting the transfer, you will get the ticket through email, and remember to print it out. You will need the ticket and student ID in the entrance.

        Upon arriving at the stadium, crowds in burnt orange already pack the roads. The stadium is huge and it looks very different in the front row. My seat was at row number 10 and I can clearly see everything going on on the field. However, for those after maybe row 50, they might need to watch the screen.

        Before the game starts, there were cool performances such as the marching band and cheerleading. I saw the Bevo, which is the bull that represents longhorns. Also, people sang the national anthem as well as the UT song "The Eyes of Texas".

        Finally, the game started, and the audiences were in high spirits at first. However, we played badly in the game. I had no idea how football games go, but the rules seemed to be quite easy. I caught up quickly, but we still lost the game.

        Still, it was really a memorable experience. My first sports event in the US started with the most popular sport, football, in Texas. I hope I can get to watch MLB and NBA someday.